
Certified Financial Planner® & Qualified Associate Financial Planner™

Self-study or Instructor-led Training?

Choose the one that fits you.

You are in control of your educational journey. Whether you choose self-study or Instructor-led training, you’re on the right path to certification.

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? The education you need to gain your Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®) designation or Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ (QAFP™) certification is available for you in just a few clicks.

Picture yourself as a CFP® professional with the tools you need to examine your client’s finances as a whole at the highest level of complexity. Or, imagine being a QAFP™professional, where you provide comprehensive financial planning strategies for clients who have less complex financial needs than those who would seek advice from a CFP® professional. Each certification helps you meet your clients’ needs better than before, and increases their trust in you as a financial services professional.

Flexible Subscription Options

Choose from Self-Study or Instructor-led Training and start learning today

You are in charge of how you learn. Take advantage of our flexible subscription options or purchase courses individually for a flat fee. You can still choose between Self-Study and Instructor-led Training for flat-fee courses, just be sure to check the course title before purchasing.

Instructor-led Training Subscription: $175/month

Subscribe and join our regularly scheduled live webinar instruction to structure your studies!

Instructor-led training is perfect if a set coursework schedule, helps you learn better and keeps you on track


  • 22 Days of Live, Interactive Webinar Instruction for Core Curriculum (Unit 1-6). 
  • 6 Days of Live, Interactive Webinar Instruction for Advanced Curriculum (Unit 7).
  • Course materials, assignments, and quizzes must be purchased or subscribed separately.
  • Great for students who appreciate extra accountability, dedicated study time or specific timelines

Self-Study Subscription: $125/month

Subscribe and get started on your certification on your schedule! Self-study is a valuable option for those who want to manage their own learning schedule.


  • Full access to the course materials, assignments, quizzes, and instructor support for Unit 1-7 for either the CFP or QAFP Certification Education Program.  
  • Electronic textbooks are supported by recorded instruction or optional live instruction.
  • Access video playlists and forums with instructor participation.
  • Receive feedback-based assignments and quizzes.
  • Great for independent learners.